@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000009, author = {白幡, 亜希 and 中村, 美樹 and 林, 美月 and 小塚, 美由記}, issue = {47}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {2004年から健康栄養学科では“北海道文教大学「食育教室」”を実施しており,対象は恵庭市の子供とその保護者で,調理実習体験を中心とする食育推進事業である.本稿では,2019 ~ 2021年度の実施記録を報告する.2019年度は2018年度以前と同様に年間5回の食育教室が行われたが,北海道内において2020年1月28日に第1例目の新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)陽性感染者が報告されて以降,感染者が全道の広い地域で確認されている.2020年2月28日には「新型コロナウイルス緊急事態宣言」が発表され,不要不急の外出を控え,社会活動自粛が求められた.さまざまな事項が自粛されていく中,本学も2020年度『食育教室』の実施の検討を余儀なくされた.しかし,この2020年からの自粛期間の中デジタル化が急速に進められていったことにより,Zoomなどを利用したオンラインでの『食育教室』を検討し実施を試みた.試行錯誤しながらの実施であり課題も残るものでもあったが,今後の食育の推進において幅が広がったと考える.また,2020年度から「ミニ食育教室」として学外の学童保育への食育活動を加えることで,より多くの児童への体験活動の場を広げることが出来た., Since 2004, the Department of Health and Nutrition has been conducting the "Hokkaido Bunkyo University Nutrition Education Classroom," which targets children and their parents in Eniwa City and is a nutrition education promotion project focusing on hands-on cooking experiences. In FY2019, five nutrition education classes were held as in FY2018 and before, but since the first case of new coronavirus (COVID-19) positive infection was reported in Hokkaido on January 28, 2020, infected cases have been confirmed in a wide area of Hokkaido. On February 28, 2020, a "declaration of a new coronavirus emergency situation" was issued, requiring people to refrain from unnecessary outings and to refrain from social activities1) . 1) As a result of this self-restraint in various matters, the University was forced to consider holding a "Nutrition Education Classroom" in 2020. However, during the period of self-restraint from 2020, digitalization was rapidly advancing, and we considered and attempted to implement an online "Nutrition Education Classroom" using Zoom and other technologies. Although it was a trial-and-error process and some issues remained, we believe that it has broadened the scope of future nutrition education promotion. In addition, by adding nutrition education activities to off-campus childcare centers as "mini nutrition education classes" from FY2020, we were able to expand the opportunities for more children to participate in hands-on activities.}, pages = {35--53}, title = {北海道文教大学『食育教室』実施記録〔2019 ~ 2021〕 ―新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)による社会活動自粛期間の独自の取り組み―}, year = {2023} }