@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000021, author = {木谷, 岐子}, issue = {24}, journal = {北海道文教大学論集, Journal of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,学生が特別支援学校での教育実習でいかなる体験をするのかを明らかにするため,障がい理解の分野で議論されてきた先行研究や,実習に関する先行研究を調査することを目的とした.中村(2011)の論説から,障がいがある人を理解するプロセスには,障がいに関する「知見」を持つこと,障がいがある「あなた」と「自分」が「かかわり」,互いに知り合う中で思いを巡らせていくことが含まれていることがわかった.また,自己覚知の概念から、「かかわり」を通じた支援の重要な媒体としての「自分」自身に気づくことが,適切な支援を生み出す上で重要だと考察した.さらに、障がいに関する「知見」を学ぶ学生が,初めて障がいがある子どもと「かかわり」を持つ体験とし,実習に着目した先行研究を概観した.学生にとって,特別支援学校での教育実習は,教育の原点を感じる体験となり,看護実習では,自分自身の価値観や生き方への振り返りの体験を生じさせていた.しかし,先行研究では,学生の多様な体験が断片化されており,障がいがある子どもを理解していくプロセスは明らかにされていないという課題があることがわかった., The purpose of this study is to investigate previous research that has been discussed in the field of understanding of disabilities and previous research on practical training in order to clarify what kind of experiences students have in teaching practice at special needs schools. From Nakamura's 2011)article, the process of understanding people with disabilities includes having “knowledge” about disabilities the, “relationship”between “myself” and “you” as the person who has disabilities, and thinking while getting to know each other. It was found that Based on the concept of self-awareness, it is important to realize the “myself”as an important medium of support through “relationship” in order to create appropriate support. In addition, I reviewed previous research that focused on practical training as a student learning “knowledge”about disabilities to experience a “relationship” with children with disabilities for the first time. For students, teaching practice at a school for special needs education was an experience that made them appreciate the origin of education, and nursing practice gave them the experience of looking back on their own values and way of life. However, previous research found that the diverse experiences of students were fragmented, and that the process of understanding children with disabilities was not clarified.}, pages = {9--19}, title = {特別支援学校教育実習で学生はいかなる体験をするのか}, year = {2023} }