@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000065, author = {永野, 颯一朗 and 木谷, 岐子}, issue = {25}, journal = {北海道文教大学論集, Journal of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,感性を育む保育者の関わりを検討することを目的とした.これを明らかにするために,鯨岡(2017)による「エピソード記述」という研究方法を用いた.検討の結果,感性を育む保育者の関わりとは,まず,こどもが何に興味を示し,何を楽しんでいるのかを捉えることであると検討された.これにより,保育者が抱く「コンセプト」からずれるこどもの姿を許容する関わりにつながると考えられた.これらの関わりにより,こどもの感性の発揮が促され,育むことにつながると考察された.また,本研究で検討した関わりは,感性を発揮しているこどもの姿を受け入れるといった保育者の受け身の関わりであると考えられた.このことから,今後の展望として,こどもの感性を引き出す保育者の働きかけを明らかにすることを述べた., The purpose of this study was to examine the involvement of childcare workers in fostering sensitivity. To clarify this, we used a research method called “episodic description” by Kujiraoka (2017).As a result of the study, it was determined that the role of childcare workers in fostering sensitivity is to first understand what children are interested in and what they enjoy doing. It was thought that this would lead to relationships that tolerate children's behavior that deviates from the “concept” held by childcare workers. It was thought that these interactions would encourage children to express their sensibilities and lead to their development. In addition, the relationship examined in this study was considered to be a passive involvement of childcare workers, such as accepting children who are demonstrating their sensibilities. As a result of these findings, it was concluded that, as a future outlook, it is important to provide care that brings out children's sensibilities. The aim was to clarify the efforts of those involved.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {感性を育む保育者の関わり─エピソード記述を用いた保育実践からの検討─}, year = {2024} }