@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000071, author = {鹿内, あずさ and 村上, 優衣 and 小橋, 拓真 and 菅原, 美保 and 笠見, 康大 and 小塚, 美由記 and 白幡, 亜希 and 佐藤, 明紀}, issue = {25}, journal = {北海道文教大学論集, Journal of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {児童福祉法(2016)が改正され,在宅ケアサービス,および,学校や地域での「児の発達支援」「地域に必要な社会資源の開発」の必要が謳われている.児の児童発達支援についても障害のある子ども本人やその家族に対しての支援ガイドライン(厚生労働省 2017)の内容に沿った支援が必要であることが「障害児通所支援の在り方に関する検討会(厚生労働省 2021)」で示されている.本研究では,地域に暮らす障がいを有する児(者)に対する発達支援「北海道文教大学 スマイル・プロジェクト(以下,本プロジェクト)」として,2017 年から活動している.看護学・理学療法学・作業療法学・こども発達学・栄養学を学ぶ学生が本学でのイベントの開催や対象児の暮らす地域に赴き,地域に暮らす障がいを有する児(以下,対象児)との交流を通じて,学生自身が対象児の「もてる力」に気づき,学びを深めることを目的としている.2017 年度からの活動をもとに,コロナ禍における感染予防に留意し,本プロジェクトの活動を模索しながら継続してきた.本研究に同意し活動に参加した学生は,対象児の強みに着目し,コミュニケーションを楽しみ,その工夫や方法を対象児の心身の発達状況を理解するための知識の必要性について考える機会を得ていた.また,学生は,在学中に自身に必要な専門的学習に加えて,卒業後の専門領域の選択への支援の必要が示唆された., The Child Welfare Law was revised in 2016, to that it is now necessary to provide home care services for target children and their families, as well as "support for children's development" and "development of social resources necessary for the community" in schools and communities. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the students studying nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, child development, and nutrition at the university and children with illnesses and disabilities living in the area around the university or near the students' route to school (hereinafter referred to as “target children”) from 2017 (Shikanai 2018, Shikanai 2019, Murakami 2019, Yamakita 2019, Kanouchi 2020, Shirahata 2020, Murakami 2020) . The purpose of this project was to enhance the children's awareness of their potential and to build on their own learning by engaging with them through events organized by the university and by visiting their homes. Based on our activities since 2017, we have continued to explore new activities for this project, keeping in mind infection prevention during the COVID19 pandemic.Students who agreed to this study and participated in the activities.They had the opportunity to focus on the strengths of the target children, enjoy communication, think about ways to to further improve communication, and the need for knowledge to understand the child's mental and physical development.It was suggested that in addition to the specialized learning they needed while attending school, they also needed supported by choosing their specialty after graduation.}, pages = {67--82}, title = {地域に暮らす障がい児(者)への発達支援 ─コロナ禍における北海道文教大学スマイル・プロジェクトの取り組み─}, year = {2024} }