@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000072, author = {菅原, 美保 and 小橋, 拓真 and 村上, 優衣 and 鹿内, あずさ}, issue = {25}, journal = {北海道文教大学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,北海道文教大学スマイル・プロジェクトに参加した学生が障がい児とその家族への支援活動を通じて得た学びの内容を分析し,今後のプロジェクトの活動や学生教育への示唆を得ることである.対象者は 2022 年度の本プロジェクトに複数回参加した学生で,人間科学部看護学科・子ども発達学科・作業療法学科の学生計4 名であった.支援活動の終了後に記述した質問紙(学びのレポート)により得られたデータを質的記述的に分析した.学生は本プロジェクトにおいて,【児との関わりへの困難】を感じるが,徐々に【児の強みへの気づき】があり【保護者から得る関わりのヒント】をもとに【児の個別性にあったコミュニケーションの工夫】を考え実践していた.この経験は,学生自身の成長へと繋がり,在学中の学習意欲を高めることが明らかとなった.今後も本プロジェクト活動の頻度を増やし,知識や技術が深められるように学生を支援することが示唆された., The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning of students who participated in the Smile Project through their support activities for children with disabilities and their families, and to obtain suggestions for future project activities and student education. The subjects were students who participated in the Smile Project in the fiscal year 2022, consisting of a total of four students from the Department of Nursing, the Department of Child Development, and the Department of Occupational Therapy in the Faculty of Human Sciences. The data obtained from the questionnaires written after the completion of the support activities were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The students experienced difficulties in interacting with the children during the support activities, but gradually became aware of the children's strengths. Then, based on the hints they received from their guardians, they thought of ways to communicate with the children in a way that suited their individuality and were oble to put them into practice. Since this kind of experience is an activity that leads to the students' own growth, it is suggested that the frequency of such activities should be increased in the future, and the students should be supported so that their knowledge and skills can be deepened.}, pages = {83--89}, title = {地域に暮らす障がい児への発達支援 ─サロンでの交流を通じた学生の学び─}, year = {2024} }