@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000079, author = {侘美, 靖 and 木下, 夏希}, issue = {48}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, BULLETIN OF HOKKAIDO BUNKYO UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {私たちが心身の健康状態を保つためには,運動の継続と積極的な社会参加が重要である.我々は障がい者や低体力者を含むすべての人たちが,個々の身体的特性に応じて楽しみながら行えるスポーツを普及することが重要と考え,北海道大樹町発祥のミニバレーに着目した.本研究は,ミニバレーのボール特性が,障がい者および低体力者のスポーツ活動に適するかを検討することが目的である.我々は,ミニバレー用ボールが介護施設等でも利用される他のボールと比較して,落下速度低下が起こりやすく,しかもボール軌道が予測しやすいことを検証した.また円陣パスラリー実験により,ミニバレーのボールは,他に比べてコントロールが容易でパスラリーが長く続くこと,痛みを感じることなく面白さや楽しさを強く感じること,適度な体力的負担度でプレーできることの特徴を示した.以上により,ミニバレーは,障がい者を含む低体力者に適したスポーツとしてのボール特性を有していることが明らかとなった.障がいや低体力など個々の身体特性に応じて実施できるミニバレーの特徴を紹介することにより,多くの人たちの健康づくりや社会参加を促すことができると期待される., Continued exercise and active social participation are important for maintaining good mental and physical health. We believe it is important to promote sports that can be enjoyed by all people according to their individual fitness and physical characteristics, including people with disabilities and those with low physical fitness levels. We therefore focused on MINI VOLLEY, which originated in Taiki town of Hokkaido. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of the ball used in MINI VOLLEY characteristics for sports activities for people with disabilities and people with low physical fitness. We have confirmed that the ball used in MINI VOLLEY tends to drop more slowly and that the ball has a more predictable trajectory than other balls used in care facility. According to the circle pass rally experiment, the ball used in MINI VOLLEY was easier to control and the pass rally lasted longer than the other balls, was more interesting, fun, and painless, and could be played with a moderate level of physical effort. The above results indicate that the ball used in MINI VOLLEY has the characteristics suitable for low-fitness players, including those with disabilities. By introducing the characteristics of the ball used in MINI VOLLEY, which can be implemented according to individual physical characteristics such as disabilities and low physical fitness, it is expected to promote health promotion and social participation among many people.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {北海道発祥ニュースポーツ“ミニバレー”のボール特性と 障がい者および低体力者への適応性}, year = {2024} }