@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000084, author = {渡辺, 明日香 and 金, 京室 and 須藤, 麻央 and 大坂, 隆介 and 佐藤, 和彦 and 金子, 翔拓}, issue = {48}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {作業療法は、疾病や障がいや加齢などによって出来なくなった作業をできるようにするために、様々な専門的支援を提供することで,よりQOL の高い幸福な対象者の生活を再建しようとする営みである.わが国の「園芸・庭いじり」の実施人口は2,250 万人(2022 年)で,60 歳代以上では高齢になるほど参加率が高い.植物に関わる余暇活動が何らかの原因でできなくなった場合に,作業療法士には希望する対象者への支援力が求められる.本研究の目的は2023 年度基礎作業療法学分野3 年次作業分析学実習Ⅱの農耕・園芸実習(90 分2 コマ続き5 回分)の内容と方法を紹介し,実習への学生の感想と考察の内容分析から今後の授業改善指針を得ることである.結果,学生は屋外の農耕・園芸実習で気分が改善し,植物の育つ全プロセスに寄り添うことで充実感を得ていた.農業技術の習得で自信がつき家でも何か作りたい,作業療法にも応用したいと述べ,水分補給や体力への配慮などのリスク管理を意識した学生もいた.多くの学生が農耕・園芸作業は学生間や地域の協力者や教員との良好な対人関係を促進すると述べた.今後の課題は知識面の強化であり,実習時間内の主体的な座学時間の交代制や,農耕・園芸の作業分析学習を促進するための学年縦断的な科目間連携が必要である., Occupational therapy offers specialized support that helps people unable to perform specific tasks due to illness, disability, or aging rebuild a happier, higher quality life. In Japan, gardening and yard work are popular among those aged 60 and above, with a participant population of 22.5 million in 2022. When people cannot become engaging in leisure activities related to plants for some reason and wish to do so, occupational therapists are required to provide support. This study aims to introduce the content and methods of the agricultural and horticultural practice of the third-year occupational analysis practice II in the essential occupational therapy field in the 2023 academic year, in addition to obtaining guidelines for improving the course in the future through content analysis of the impressions and considerations of the students who participated in the practice. As a result, students felt better after outdoor agricultural and horticultural practice and gained a sense of fulfillment through their engagement in the entire plant growth process. Some students gained confidence in acquiring agricultural skills and wanted to create something at home or apply it to occupational therapy. Some students also noticed aspects related to risk management, such as having to pay attention to hydration and physical strength. Many students mentioned that agricultural and horticultural work promotes good interpersonal relationships among students, local collaborators, and teachers. How to consolidate knowledge is a future challenge. We propose alternating between time for practical training on the farm and time for independent self-study and having cross-grade subject cooperation for learning occupational analysis of agricultural and horticultural.}, pages = {53--70}, title = {基礎作業療法学分野における農耕・園芸実習 ―その実際と今後の展望―}, year = {2024} }