@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000309, author = {大滝, まり子 and Otaki, Mariko}, issue = {35}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では、1)恵庭型プレイセンターにおける親の学習 2)参加群と不参加群の自己評価の比較の2点について検討した。  結果は以下のとおりである。(1) 参加群の77.8%が、他の親やスタッフから「子どもへの接し方」 について学んでいた。また、学習会への出席者は参加群の40%弱で、出席者の多くが「子どものほめ方・叱り方」、「コーチング」などのテーマを有意義だと考えていた。(2)自己評価に関する11 項目の質問をして4段階で評価してもらい、「そう思う」と「大体そう思う」を選んだ人の割合で参加群と不参加群の比較をしたところ、参加群は9項目で不参加群より6~ 16 ポイント多かった。特に、「私は家族にとって大切な存在である」は参加群では100%、不参加群では94.4%であった。この結果にはプレイセンターでの活動が影響していると考えられる。これに対して、参加群が不参加群より少なかったのは「私は心身ともに健康だ」と、「私は毎日充実している」の2項目であった。, The purpose of this paper is to consider the following two: (1) What a group of participants in the Eniwa-type playcentre (hereinafter, PC) learned through the playcentre activities, and (2) the self-concept of the PC as compared with a non-participants group (NP).  The following results were obtained: (1) 77.8% of PC said they learned about child-rearing from other participants or playcentre staff members. 40% of PC attended the study sessions provided by the playcentre, and many of them said those sessions where they learned such topics as "how to praise and scold their children" and "coaching techniques in child rearing" were useful. (2) In nine out of the eleven items concerning self-esteem, PC was six to sixteen points higher in the percentage of the number of the affirmative responses to the items than NP. The biggest differences between the two groups were found in their responses to “I am important for my family. "100% of PC and 94.4% of NP choose "yes" or "nearly yes." These differences are attributable to having or not having participated in the activities at the playcentre. The other noteworthy differences in self-esteem between the two groups were found in two other items: "I am in good health both physically and mentally." and "I have spent every day feeling full." The percentage of the affirmative responses to these two was a little lower in PC than in NP., 2, KJ00006981139, 研究論文}, pages = {11--17}, title = {恵庭型プレイセンターにおける母親の学びと自己評価}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オオタキ, マリコ} }