@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000315, author = {岡本, 麗子 and 榊原, 千佐子 and 小塀, ゆかり and 高岡, 哲子 and Okamoto, Reiko and Sakakibara, Chisako and Kohei, Yukari and Takaoka, Tetsuko}, issue = {35}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は、学内で行われた老年看護学領域の講義3教科の授業構築が、学生の高齢者イメージ変化に対してどう影響を及ぼしたかを明らかし、老年看護学の学習効果を検討することを目的とした。研究対象は、2008年に入学した看護学生の3年生の内59名であった。  対象者が高齢者と考える年齢と高齢者イメージの変化を、3教科が終了する毎に調査した。この結果、対象者が高齢者と考える年齢は、最終科目にて初回科目より有意に年齢が上昇していた。また、イメージされる自由記述内容の変化はみられなかったが、回答数において初回科目とその他の科目で有意に回答数が上昇していた。  高齢者イメージが、援助者自身の姿勢やケアの内容に影響を及ぼすとされる中で、老年看護学の授業構築において、学生の高齢者イメージの幅を広げていることが示唆された。しかし、高齢者のできる力を着目し肯定的な側面をさらに広く捉えることへの課題も示唆された。, The objectives of this study are to describe how the structure of the curriculum for three university courses in gerontological nursing has affected how nursing students think about the elderly people, and if this in turn influenced how they performed gerontological nursing. Subjects for the study were 59 third year nursing students who had entered the school in 2008. Changes in how the students perceived the elderly and how old they estimated the elderly to be were described at the end of each of the three courses. As a result, the ages at which the students assumed the elderly people to be had risen significantly by the end of the final course, when compared to the first course. Further, regarding the nursing students’ thoughts about the elderly, there were no clear changes in the free descriptive answers; however, compared to the first course, the response rate had risen significantly by the end of the second and final courses. It is widely understood that how nursing students perceive the elderly is assumed to affect the style and quality of care provided. Findings from this study suggest that the structure of the curriculum in gerontological nursing contributes to expanding nursing students’ thoughts about the elderly; although, it is necessary to strive to understand how to emphasize the positive aspects of the elderly by focusing on what the elderly can do by themselves., 8, KJ00006981320, 研究論文}, pages = {65--74}, title = {老年看護学における看護学生が捉えた高齢者イメージの変化 : 2年次から3年次の分析を中心に}, year = {2011}, yomi = {オカモト, レイコ and サカキバラ, チサコ and コヘイ, ユカリ and タカオカ, テツコ} }