@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000331, author = {小田, 進一 and 井坂, 直人 and 新明, 里悦 and 窪田, 馨子 and Oda, Shinichi and Isaka, Naohito and Shinmei , Rie and Kubota, Keiko}, issue = {36}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {横浜市金沢区ゆめ和柳町ほいくえんは、前身の横浜保育室「ゆめ和ほいくえん」設立時から、特に「食べること」が重要と考えてきた。指導監査で「メニュー」を豊富にするようにとの指摘を受け、給食メニューの改善を行った。改善の取り組みは、「子どもたちが興味を引くようなネーミング」や「大皿料理」、「鍋料理」に広がり、「日本全国いただきま~すマップ」の作成にいたるなどメニューの豊富さにとどまらず、食文化伝承の意図も含むものとなった。保育内容にも影響を与えるようになり、保育全体の中での位置づけが模索され、保育内容向上への保育職と調理職の連携が進行中である。子どもたちは、食が進むと共に興味関心が広がった。保育所(園)では、これまで「食育」としての食文化(行事食・地域食)の研究があまりなされていないが、保育内容を高めるために意図的に取り組むことが重要である。実践例とメニューの写真を資料として整理添付した。, Since the founding of the forerunner day-care centre “Yume Wa Hoikuen”- Yume Waryu Town Hoikuen- in Yokohama city’s Kanazawa ward,‘ eating well’ has always been considered to be extremely important. After inspections and recommendations suggested that the staff of day-care centres should try to provide a more varied selection of food, improvements were made to the lunch menu. This purpose of this process was to widen the selection of food provided. This was achieved through‘ renaming food in interesting ways to appeal to children’‘, meals served on large plates’‘, meals served in hot pots’, and the‘ National Japanese“ Itadakimaasu” map’, an initiative which has also fostered a deeper interest in food and the handing down of food culture. The improvements made to the day-care centre( nursery school) lunch menu have influenced childcare itself. Cooking staff and the childcare providers have therefore been working together for the purposes of improving childcare in general. The children have expanded their interests in food and also developed better appetites. There has been only limited research thus far into the incorporation o‘f event food’ and‘ regional food’ but they would seem to be valuable factors in the improvement of childcare that should be utilized. Examples of the initiatives carried out and photographs of food offered on the expanded menu have been attached., 7, KJ00008029782, 研究論文}, pages = {69--79}, title = {保育園の給食と保育の連携}, year = {2012}, yomi = {オダ, シンイチ and イサカ, ナオヒト and シンメイ, リエ and クボタ, ケイコ} }