@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000335, author = {鎌田, 清子 and Kmada, Kiyoko}, issue = {36}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {日本政府は2011 年10 月から新しい高齢者、障害者、要支援家族を対象とした24 時間安心見守りサービス、食事提供など生活支援サービスとバリアフリー、ユニバーサルデザインで設計された賃貸住宅の大量供給を開始した。経営は、ハウスメーカー、建設不動産業、介護サービス、外食産業、医療法人、NPO など幅広く民間企業に委ねる方針である。24 時間見守りサービス、食事・生活支援、居室最低面積など必須項目を定め、都道府県に登録届け出義務、および厳しい査察介入、悪質な違反者には罰則処分が科せられる。同時に政策融資、税金控除など優遇策も提供し、供給促進を図る大胆な政策転換である。地域事情に精通した社会起業家の育成と消費者の保護対策が急がれる。, The new housing law for aged peoples started on 2011 28th April in Japan. National government entrust to every housing maker, real estate agent, nursing home, dine business Company, medical corporation, NPO etc, assisted housing supply undertaking. However, there are some duties toward management Company, and must resister a representative person, take surveillance by public supervisor, and rigorously punishments also. Minimum duties are as follows, 1. prohibition of prepaid housing lent money 2. offering safety check, and assisted living services including meals 3. Minimum private room-size is 25㎡ over, so on According to these obligations, every company must start their own silver bushiness. Moreover, in qualified project to meet these standard, they can use preferential advantages by national government. a. The subsidy toward construction budgets b. Tax reduction supports c. As a management support, can use a mitigating loan by policy fund like as a governmental bail-out package On the other hand, it is the target of severe punishment disposal to a vicious building Constructor, Care-supply management Company, indigence (poor people) business also. Anyway we have to better to hurry breed up home local business enterprisers & set up protection system toward an isolated aged people, disabled person, single family, only one parent bringing up their children, etc., 11, KJ00008030119, 研究論文}, pages = {113--125}, title = {要支援・要介護高齢者のサービス付き賃貸住宅供給政策と経営に関する研究}, year = {2012}, yomi = {カマダ, キヨコ} }