@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000347, author = {小田, 進一 and 井坂, 直人 and 新明, 里悦 and 三浦, 真美 and Oda, Shinichi and Isaka, Naohito and Shinmei, Rie and Miura, mami}, issue = {37}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {給食担当者と保育担当者が連携する.保育園の給食の場面を通して保育に食文化を取り入れること,それによって保育全体を豊かにしようとする研究の2 報である.  保育者集団の食に関する意識が必ずしも高まらない中で,一クラスの担任と給食が取り組んだ子どものお店体験・お店ごっこの実践の報告である.  お店体験により高まったイメージが日常の保育に行かされるようになった.  また給食担当者の課題意識は,保育担当者より以上に保育の基本にそったものであった., What would become of the situation at nursery school when the person in charge of lunch service collaborates with the person in charge of childcare? Here are two research reports on efforts to improve childcare in general by incorporating dietary culture into childcare through lunch served at nursery school. The reports include practical efforts made by a care provider and a lunch server who are in charge of the same class under the theme of Hands-on Shopkeeper/Playing Shopkeeper, a program for children. These efforts occur in a context where awareness among childcare workers about the eating habits of nursery school children is rather slow in growing. With the aim of applying an enhanced vision through Hands-on Shopkeeper Program to daily childcare, the lunch server and the care provider should share a common vision. The research revealed that those who were engaged in lunch service were more consciously sticking to the basics of childcare than care providers themselves., 6, KJ00009660659, 研究論文}, pages = {55--62}, title = {保育園の給食と保育の連携(2)}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オダ, シンイチ and イサカ, ナオヒト and シンメイ, リエ and ミウラ, マミ} }