@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000349, author = {片倉, 裕子 and katakura, Yuko}, issue = {37}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,助産師学生が臨地実習で自己効力感を高める要因を分析することである.大学院生3 名を対象にバンデューラが述べている4 つの情報源を基に半構造化面接を行い,逐語録をデータとして内容を帰納的に分析し類型化した.その結果,遂行行動の達成では,【体験を通して深まった助産技術】【効果が出たと実感したケア】【学習・演習後の効果的な実践】,言語的説得では,【褒められた良い評価】【学習意欲につながる言葉】,代理的体験では,【好ましい助産技術と専門職の態度】【納得のできない体験】,情動的状態では,【実習1 週目から現在の気持ちの変化】【向上したい気持ち】【体調に左右される気持ちや行動】が抽出された.助産師学生は,人との関係性を維持し助産技術を通して,臨地実習で遂行行動の達成である成功体験,言語的説得での賞賛と良い評価,学生自身が臨床で今必要な行動と結びつく言葉,代理的体験で助産師の知識や技術の修得,専門職としての豊かな人間性に近づくこと,情動的状態では気持ちの変化を感じながら自己効力感が高めていることが明らかになった., This study aimed to analyze factors contributing to self-efficacy development among midwifery students through a clinical practicum. We conducted semi-structured interviews involving 3 graduate students, using Bandura’s model of self-efficacy and its four sources of influence as a conceptual framework. Verbatim records of interviews were classified and analyzed inductively. The following items were extracted in relation to the four sources affecting self-efficacy: "midwifery skills enhanced through hands-on experience", "care delivery that they regarded as effective", and "the delivery of effective practice after learning and training" for mastery experiences; "positive evaluative feedback" and "comments that increased motivation for learning" for social (verbal) persuasion; "appropriate midwifery skills and favorable attitudes of professionals" and "experiences that they found unsatisfactory" for vicarious experiences; and, "changes in emotions from the first week of the practicum to the present", "willingness to improve", and "emotions and actions that were affected by physical conditions" for somatic and emotional states. These midwifery students maintained relationships with others during practicum placements. It was revealed that, through the clinical practicum, they developed a sense of self-efficacy by: gaining experiences of successful task performance (mastery experiences); receiving positive appraisal of their performance, and using comments/feedback to take actions required in clinical practice (social/verbal persuasion); obtaining midwifery knowledge and skills, and striving to foster a rich humanity suitable for a midwifery professional (vicarious experiences); and, adapting to ongoing emotional changes (somatic and emotional states)., 8, KJ00009660719, 調査報告}, pages = {73--84}, title = {助産師学生が臨地実習で自己効力感を高める要因の分析}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カタクラ, ユウコ} }