@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000351, author = {工藤, 恭子 and Kudo, Kyoko}, issue = {37}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,乳児保育演習で実践を試みた「小麦粉粘土作品製作」の「保育実践力育成」に対する有効性を明確にする事である.乳児保育Ⅰを履修している3 年生50 名を対象に,「乳児の成長発達とその援助」の授業において10 グループを作り,グループ毎に「4 色の小麦粉粘土」を使用し,作品を製作した.学生は作品製作において「自分自身が楽しむ」という体験を通して1.指導案作成にあたり考慮すべき点の発見2.こどもの想像力を豊かにするための教材作りの重要性3.仲間と協力することの楽しさ4.見立てながら新しい物を作り出す喜び等の気づきがあった.以上の事から「小麦粉粘土作品製作」は「保育実践力育成」に有効である事が示唆された., This study clarifies the effectiveness of 'creating flour-clay artwork', attempted in infant nursing exercises, with regards to the 'cultivation of practical nursing skills'. The participants were 50 third-year students majoring in Infant Nursing I, enrolled in a 'Growth development of infants and its support' class.The50 participants were divided into ten groups, and each group created a piece of artwork utilizing 'flour-clay in four colours'. The participants discovered the following through the enjoyable experience of personally creating the artwork: 1) the points to be considered in producing a teaching plan; 2) the importance of creating teaching materials that enrich the imagination skills of children; 3) pleasure in collaborating with their colleagues; and 4) the joy of creating something new while evaluating it. The results suggested that creating flour-clay artwork is effective in cultivating practical nursing skills., 10, KJ00009660820, 調査報告}, pages = {97--107}, title = {乳児保育演習における「保育実践力」育成に関する研究 : 小麦粉粘土作品製作を試みて}, year = {2013}, yomi = {クドウ, キョウコ} }