@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000352, author = {原谷, 珠美 and Haraya, Tamami}, issue = {37}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では看護師のキャリア発達における看護管理者からの支援を検討する目的で,経験1 年から20 年未満の看護師632 名(1 - 5 年未満192 名,5 - 10 年未満194 名,10 - 20 年未満242 名)を対象に看護管理者からの支援に関する自記式質問紙調査を行った.その結果,以下のことが明らかになった.看護管理者の支援は,1 - 5 年未満では「管理者的行動機能」がもっとも高く,次いで「情緒的機能」「受容・承認機能」,「キャリア機能」の順であった.5 - 10 年未満および10 - 20 年未満は,「情緒的機能」,「受容・承認機能」,「管理者的行動機能」,「キャリア機能」の順であった.また,看護管理者の支援の平均値は,1 - 5 年未満が10 - 20 年未満に比べて高く,1 - 5 年未満では「管理者的行動機能」と「キャリア機能」が他の経験年数と比較して有意に高いことが示され,経験年数によって看護管理者が選択的に支援を行っていると考えられた., To study how nursing managers support the career development of nurses, a self-questionnaire was administered to 632 nurses with 1-20 years of experience (192, 194, and 242 nurses with 1-5, 5-10, and 10-20 years of experience, respectively). The responses revealed that support from nursing managers consisted of four factors: "manager's behavioral function ," "emotional function," "career function," and "acceptance/approval function." Nurses with 1-5 years of experience gave the highest rating for "manager's behavioral function," followed by "emotional function," "acceptance/approval function," and "career function." Nurses with 5-10 or 10-20 years of experience rated in the order of "emotional function," "acceptance/approval function," "manager's behavioral function ," and "career function." Moreover, the mean score for support from nursing managers was higher in nurses with 1-5 years of experience than in nurses with 10-20 years of experience, whereas nurses with 1-5 years of experience showed significantly higher scores for "manager's behavioral function " and "career function" than nurses with different years of experience. Nursing managers may choose to support nurses based on the number of years of their experience., 11, KJ00009660899, 調査報告}, pages = {109--118}, title = {看護師のキャリア発達における看護管理者からの支援に関する研究}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ハラヤ, タマミ} }