@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000355, author = {大川, 浩子 and 古川, 奨 and 本多, 俊紀 and Ohkawa, Hiroko and Furukawa, Tsutomu and Honda, Toshinori}, issue = {37}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {就労支援に関するグループインタビュー調査で,障害当事者と支援者の間で暗黙に生じている支援への認識の違い-認識のズレ-の存在が示唆されている.今回,この「認識のズレ」を検討するために,就労支援に携わっている支援者7名にグループインタビューを実施し,検討した.  その結果,過去の調査結果と比較し,支援者と障害当事者の間で3 点の違いが示された.1)支援者は障害者自立支援法等の制度に対し就労支援に肯定的なものが多いと感じていたが,障害当事者からはあがっていなかった.2)支援で目指すものや課題ついて,支援者は支援者側と障害当事者側に分けて考えることが多かった.この背景に支援者自身が所属する施設の枠組みや支援に加え,就労へのイメージが影響していると考えられた.3)過去の結果同様,支援者から機関の連携の大切さや障害当事者側の課題としての就労への意識に関することがあげられているが,障害当事者からはなかった.  以上より,障害当事者と支援者の「認識のズレ」は制度,就労へのイメージ,連携,就労への意識において生じていることが考えられ,これらを踏まえた支援の必要性があると思われた., In a group interview survey regarding employment support, the existence of an“awareness gap”, namely implied differences in awareness of support between the disabled persons concerned and the supporters, has been indicated. We have herein conducted and reviewed the group interview with 7 supporters who are involved in employment support. As a result, in comparison to past survey results, 3 differences have been indicated between the supporters and the disabled persons concerned. 1) The supporters felt that there are many positive aspects in employment support in the Act on Support for Self-reliant Persons with Disabilities; however, the disabled persons concerned did not feel this way. 2) With regard to goals and tasks involving support, supporters often tend to make separations between the supporters and disabled persons concerned. In addition to the framework and support system of the institution to which the supporter belongs, work image also influences the thinking behind this. 3) Similar to past results, the importance of cooperation between institutions and awareness toward work as an issue for disabled persons concerned were raised; but the disabled persons concerned did not present this view. From the aforementioned, the “awareness gap” between the disabled persons concerned and the supporters was present in the areas of system, work image, cooperation and work awareness. Providing support with these points in mind is necessary., 14, KJ00009661019, 調査報告}, pages = {139--148}, title = {就労継続支援に関する支援者へのグループインタビュー : 支援者と障害当事者の間で生じる「認識のズレ」の検討}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オオカワ, ヒロコ and フルカワ, ツトム and ホンダ, トシノリ} }