@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000365, author = {中田, 真衣 and Nakata, Mai}, issue = {38}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {我が国の整形外科の術後せん妄とせん妄看護の動向について概観した.整形外科手術を受ける高齢者の術後せん妄の発症率は高く,認知症も含めてせん妄発症要因が多い.これに対し,これまでは安全対策重視のせん妄看護が多かったが,近年,予測や予防重視のせん妄看護が増加し,臨床看護師のせん妄への関心が深まってきている.また,看護師向けのせん妄に関する教育的介入,CNS や多職種間の多角的アプローチに関する活動報告も増えている.また,他の医療職のせん妄に対する関心の高まりもみられ,特に整形外科病棟では患者・家族,PT,OT,薬剤師なども含めたチーム医療の可能性にも視野を広げる必要性が示唆される.さらに,看護学生への認知症やせん妄看護教育の強化は,臨床でのせん妄看護の向上に繋がると考える.これらのことから,整形外科病棟における認知症看護も含めた術後せん妄に関する看護を確立し,QOL の高い予後となるべき関わりが重要と考える.したがって,せん妄の早期予測や予防対策の確立,せん妄に関する看護師等への教育的介入,多職種での多角的アプローチの充実化を課題とし,せん妄看護の統一化を大きな課題と考える., This study investigated the conditions of delirium incidence following orthopedic surgery and delirium nursing practice in Japan. The incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients following orthopedic surgery is high, and numerous factors play a role in the development of delirium including dementia. Conventional delirium nursing focuses on safety. However, recent developments in delirium nursing is changing the focus to prognosis and preventive care, and improving the understanding of delirium among clinical nurses. There has also been an increase in reports of educational interventions related to delirium for nurses, reporting activities that use a variety of approaches involving collaboration of certified nurse specialists (CNS) with staff in other occupations. Other medical professionals have also shown concerns related to delirium. Specifically in orthopedics wards, the necessity to provide team medical care involving the patients, family, physical therapists (PT), occupational therapist (OT), and pharmacists, is suggested.  It has been found that improvements in nursing education related to dementia and delirium for nursing students contributes to improvements in delirium nursing in clinical settings. It is important to establish guidelines for postoperative delirium nursing care including for dementia in orthopedic wards, and contribute to improvements in the prognosis resulting in higher quality of life (QOL). Therefore, it is important to integrate delirium nursing by aiming to establish measures for early prediction and prevention of delirium, provide educational interventions for nurses related to delirium, and improve procedures in collaboration with other related occupations., 1, KJ00009662719, 総説}, pages = {1--9}, title = {整形外科病棟における高齢者の術後せん妄予防に関する考察 : 我が国のせん妄看護の現状と課題}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ナカタ, マイ} }