@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000371, author = {工藤, 恭子 and Kudo, Kyoko}, issue = {38}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {保育士の保育活動である「抱っこ」「おむつ交換」と腰痛・肩こりとの関連を,方法・頻度に着目して明確にする事を研究目的とし,平成22 年5 ~ 7 月,北海道内11 か所の女性保育士114 名を対象に質問紙調査を行った.1.「抱っこ」の一日の回数では,「平均未満」群に腰痛「あり」の者が多い傾向がみられた.2.「抱っこ」の腕の方向では,「片腕抱き」群に腰痛「あり」の者が多い傾向がみられた.3.「抱っこ」の「片腕抱き」群では両側肩こりが多い傾向がみられた.4.「抱き上げる時のこどもの姿勢」では,「寝ている」「座っている」「立っている」児を抱き上げる事と腰痛・肩こり「あり」には関連があまりなかった.5.「おむつ交換」の一日の回数では,「平均未満」群に腰痛「あり」の者が多い傾向がみられ,場所では「床」群に腰痛「あり」の者が多い傾向がみられた.今後は保育活動の姿勢による筋疲労に着目し,筋疲労を最小限にする改善対策が重要である事が示唆された., This study aimed to elucidate the relationship between childcare activities such as carrying children and diaper changing performed by childcare workers and lower back pain and shoulder stiffness by focusing on the method and frequency of these activities. From May 2010 to July 2010, a survey was conducted among 114 female childcare workers at 11 facilities in Hokkaido and the following results were reported: 1) lower back pain was more common in the group wherein workers carried children less than the average number of times per day; 2) back pain was more common in the group wherein workers carried children with one arm; 3) many subjects who held children with one arm tended to have shoulder stiffness in both shoulders; 4) with regard to children’s position when childcare workers carried them, no particular relationship was noted between picking up sleeping, sitting or standing children and lower back pain or shoulder stiffness; and 5) lower back pain was more common in the group wherein workers changed diapers less than the average number of times per day and also in the group wherein workers changed diapers on the floor. These results indicate the importance of developing strategies that focus on muscle fatigue caused by posture during childcare activities to minimize muscle fatigue as much as possible., 7, KJ00009663179, 調査報告}, pages = {63--72}, title = {保育活動「抱っこ」「おむつ交換」と腰痛・肩こりとの関連 : 方法・頻度に着目して}, year = {2014}, yomi = {クドウ, キョウコ} }