@article{oai:do-bunkyodai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000374, author = {小田, 進一 and Oda, Shinichi}, issue = {38}, journal = {北海道文教大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Hokkaido Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {待機児が,平成25 年4 月1 日付けでゼロになったことが注目されている.国は,横浜市の事例を全国の地方自治体のモデルにしているが,横浜市における待機児解消の評価は,834 億円という予算を確保しての「認可保育所の設置」によるものである.多額な予算確保と共に多様な政策が成果を上げたとする.待機児ゼロとはいうが,保育所に希望して入れなかった人が存在する.質の確保という点でも保育士の確保に課題が残る.横浜市内の保育所(園)運営者の意見から,経営の不安定化や保育士確保の困難など課題が見えてきた., Attention is being given to the fact that the number of children on the waiting list has become zero as of April 1, 2013. The national government treats the instance in the city of Yokohama as a model case for the local autonomous entities in this country. The evaluation for the resolution of the problem concerning children on the waiting list is due to "establishing approved childcare facilities" by means of securing a budget of 83.4 billion yen. It says various policies together with securing the budget have borne fruit. It says the number of children on the waiting list is zero, but there exist children who could not enter childcare facilities despite their wish. The task of securing childcare workers remains in respect of securing quality as well. From the opinions by the managers of childcare facilities in the city, we can see problems, such as management becoming unstable and the difficulty of securing childcare workers., 10, KJ00009663380, 調査報告}, pages = {91--98}, title = {保育園の待機児解消策についての検討 : 横浜市の施策と保育の質}, year = {2014}, yomi = {オダ, シンイチ} }